The Aftermath of the Fire

For us, life will never be the same. We have learned so much from this experience, things that have changed us in our daily life. We look at others differently, and we look at our God differently. Jesus is much bigger to us now, for we have seen the salvation He can bring!

We have heard of twelve other instances, where a believer used those scriptures (John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24, and Psalm 91) to make a claim upon their house, and their house was also miraculously saved! Hallelujah! It was wonderful to watch their face as they testified to me about it. The Holy Spirit’s light shone forth from their face till it seemed as if they glowed.

I also discovered that having cursed items in your home did not remove the legal right to use those scriptures to save the home! (This is a big thing for those of my readers who are stuck living with other unbelievers or pagans!) I know that my believing neighbor has cursed items in her home, for I have seen them. Her and her children are believers, while her husband is not yet a believer. Sadly, their lives testify to the cursed items being there, for great have been the troubles upon those that lived in that home!

That is one thing I have witnessed through this fire. Those who practice deliverance have a peaceful and prosperous life. Those who do not believe in such things as demons affecting Christians, or those who simply do not practice deliverance for themselves, have a life filled with problems.

I had also wondered what it would be like, to stay on land that was not blessed. When we go to stay at a hotel, we bless it with blessed oil, for we know we have the legal jurisdiction over it due to the paying of rent for its use. But we didn’t have that while staying with others during the evacuation. Both homes that we stayed in, were not blessed homes. The Jehovah’s witness home was actually under a curse besides, for the woman of the house has had it blessed by the elders of that cult. I found that much time was spent in spiritual warfare; at the JW house, it was all I could do just to keep up with the attacks. After that incident with the fire demon nightmare and that playing card, (at the unbeliever’s house,) I went out and purchased some olive oil, and then blessed it for our use. I then blessed the beds we used, for the owners of both places stated that we could sleep there. I looked at it as a matter of a gift that was being given to us, and in that case, I hoped that the spiritual laws extended to such gifts from the owner.  It must have worked, for our sleep was much better after blessing the beds.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses contacted us, several weeks after they had kicked us out of their home, saying that they were sad at how things turned out, and that they wanted to get together with us for dinner. The Lord pointed out to me, that this was not an actual apology, (in essence, they were saying that they were sad that I had acted the way I did,) and besides it was the man who initiated the email, and not the woman herself. I found out from her son, that she still felt she was in the right and had done no wrong, and that the father was in agreeance with her. My husband and I prayed to the Lord and asked Him what we should do, and He told us to have nothing further to do with them. He gave me this piece of scripture as His reasoning: “Reject him that is an heretic, after once or twice admonition, Knowing that he that is such, is perverted, and sinneth, being damned of his own self.” (Titus 3:10-11, GNV) I thought to give them another chance, but the Lord reminded me that she had many chances over those two days, as I answered her questions with the scriptures, and that even my son, who is friends with her son, also got kicked out from her home before, because he was trying to answer her questions about hell. So they have had their two chances already. I need not do any more. The Lord told me that he does not want us to go out and dine with a bunch of demons, and that this is in essence what we would be doing if we got together with them. My heart has ached over this, for I hate to think of them being cut off from Jesus.

It has also been sad to see a man that I had hopes for, turn away from Christ yet again. He was doing landscaping for us at the time of the fire. I made the claim to him that the Lord Jesus would save our home from the fire, just moments before evacuating. When he seen that it was spared, he put it all down to luck. This man has had such bad luck, always getting ill in some way, or his kids being in accidents, that I have told him that he either needs a new profession or a new God. He laughed and told me he just needs to be able to hire a bunch of workers that he can order around and everything would be fine. He has yet to understand. I pray that he will come to see that what he really needs is Jesus.

I find myself wanting to go back to those believers who have lost their homes, and testify to them about the scriptures that they could have used to save their homes, so it won’t happen to them again. Yet one of my boys pointed out to me, that they would then feel like it was their fault that their house burnt down. And I can see his point. No one likes to find out that they could have saved their home if they had just used that piece of scripture and believed. So for now, I leave it be. But there may come a time when I might be called to testify to them about it. I pray that if and when that time comes, I will be courageous enough to do it. Hosea 4:6 says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Apparently their homes can be destroyed too.

The family who’s son called mine to warn us about the fire in the first place, and who ended up losing their home, are cessationists; they believe that speaking in tongues, casting out demons, and healing all died off with the original apostles. We testified to them, that we claimed that piece of scripture and that is why our house was saved. They frowned, but said nothing. I can only pray that the seed takes root in fertile ground. The Lord had told us not to give them any money, and I am glad that we did not, for their insurance is paying them extremely well, though they are having quite a fight with their insurance to get the money. We got a new couch, and we had planned to throw out the old one in the dump, but they asked us for it instead. When I asked the Lord if I could give it to them, He responded with such contempt that it startled me. He said “They can have your garbage!” When I asked Him why He was so angry, He told me that He longs to give them the best, but they insist on relying on man (their church,) and the government, instead of relying on HIM. He feels slighted over their choice to ignore Him. They could have so much more, but they refuse His help and His gifts.

During the middle of the night, several weeks after we had returned, I awoke to the smell of fire. Panic then hit me in the chest so hard, that for a moment I was left breathless. Satan kept trying to convince me that I should get up and go out to see if the fire was close to our house. He told me that it was only luck that saved our house in the last fire, and it would not be saved in this one. At this absurdity the spell was broken, and I laughed out loud and told him that there was no way it was just luck. I then cast him out and claimed in Jesus name that no fire would ever even get close to our house again. I then contentedly fell back asleep.

I have really appreciated the prayers of the believers out there, said on my and my family’s behalf; I could feel them strengthening us as we went through this disaster. May the Lord Jesus Christ return unto you ten times the blessings that you have asked for me!

There is a favorite piece of scripture that I’d like to share with you, that I often like to say during my prayer time. “Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.” (Proverbs 3:25-26 KJV) Amen!



Staying With A Lukewarm Believer

(A side note: I would like to apologize to all the Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are waiting to hear from me. I am very busy till the end of December, and I hope to have more time in January to respond to you. If you haven’t heard from me by then, please re-send your email to me. Right now, my email is flooded and I am trying not to loose your communications in it! I pray that the Lord would lead you and keep you safely in Him.)

When we entered into this new place, the peace we felt there was immediate. Unlike the last place, I found Jesus here on the wall in the form of a cross. It was nice to see a remembrance of Him again.

We each had our own guest bedroom in this place, so we could unpack a bit and relax in private, which was really nice. As I began unpacking, I noted that I had one outfit left to wear. Out of all the things I could have grabbed and shoved into my overnight bag…I grabbed the T-shirt that has a bunch of people on it doubled over in laughter, with the caption above it asking “God can’t do WHAT?” Oh the irony! We were thrilled to see that he had a washer and a dryer there to use, so we asked him later if we could use it, and he said we could use whatever was there that we needed.

This place is indeed “a better place” to stay. Another answered prayer, thank You Jesus!

The man had scented candles on his dining room table, and the odor immediately started to bother me, so I went to the Lord about it. He told me to cast out the demon causing me this trouble, and to claim that they would no longer bother me. Once I did this, the sensitivity went away and did not return. Hallelujah! I have found on this journey, that the things that I normally react to, (like feather pillows, certain foods, or scents,) do not trouble me if I claim that they will not. Usually the Lord just tells me to avoid them, but in these cases, I could not. But He still covers me and keeps me safe from them! I had often wondered what it must be like, to have to face such things in an emergency. But now I know. Just like the Israelite’s working towards their promised land, we will be kept safe from among all the dangers. Isn’t our God great?! Hallelujah!

The other thing I noticed that really struck me as odd, is that the ice and the water here, gets so much colder than at the other place. I kept adding ice to my water at the last place, thinking more was needed to make it cold, but it never quite worked. My body did not perceive it as being cold. I had never experienced that before.

The guy who owns this place is an acquaintance of my husband, and his home is filled with fishing rods and A’s memorabilia. He keeps a radio playing out in the garage, tuned into classic rock music. He’s a retired cop and has a quirky sense of humor. I like him. What you see is what you get. No fake charm or underhanded manipulations. After what I’ve just been through, I find him refreshing.

There are still things here that I must bind up, like the lotus patterns on the sheets, or the pirate skull on his shelf, but for the most part, it feels spiritually cleaner here than at the other place. Even my husband claims this is so, which really surprised me. He said he felt like he was always trying to walk on ‘pins and needles’ at the other place, afraid of doing something wrong.

That night the owner of the house returned, and we all went out to dinner. He told us of how he had been in charge of a shelter for evacuees a few years ago for some other emergency, and he just couldn’t bring himself to think of our family staying in one of them, for they were filled with all sorts of problems. This, he explained, is why he opened up his house to us. He was divorced, with his children living with their mother, but he still kept the house, for it had all the rooms needed for his kids and his mom when they came to stay. He seemed to be an embittered man, and this saddened me. So I prayed for him whenever I thought of him, which was frequently, and called God’s blessings down upon him. He believes in Jesus, but doesn’t speak of Him much. Instead his life is filled to the brim with ocean fishing, sports, stream fishing, television, lake fishing, and his kids and mom, in that order.

I felt for him, suddenly having his home invaded by us. For a man living alone to suddenly have a crowd in your house must have been hard for him. He kept expecting us to want to sit in his chair and watch his television, but we were all busy at the dining room table on our computers.

He had a dishwasher, but he refused to use it, so I washed the dishes by hand. I was grateful that he allowed me to do so, for at the last place, the woman wouldn’t let me near any of the kitchen chores.

That night, as I sat there at the table alone, (everyone else had gone to bed,) I suddenly felt that I was no longer alone, and that something was starring at me. I looked up, and seen a demon there, floating above the table. It reminded me of an octopus, with all its tentacles, but it was mostly bones and covered in dripping black tar. It had huge snarling sharp teeth, and it starred at me with malice. I thought this demon odd, for I had bound up any demonic doorways that might be in the home. So I asked in my mind, “what is this? Where did it come from?”

“It is a witchcraft demon,” the Lord Jesus replied. “The woman from the other house just sent it to you. Bind it up in My Name, and return it to its sender.”

This left me speechless for a moment. Why was God telling me to give it back to her? Wouldn’t it be better to send it back to hell instead?

“No,” the Lord replied. “Send it back to her so she will know that her religion is of no use.”

So I did as I was told and sent it back from whence it came. It left with a roar and a snarl, as if something had come up from behind it and suddenly pulled it out of this dimension.

I sat there in the silence, stunned.

During the last night at that other house, the Lord told me in a dream, (actually half awake and half asleep,) that the woman from that other place, had a demon of witchcraft in her. This surprised me greatly, for I had not thought of her as a witch. She claims to be a Jehovah’s Witness. Then the Lord showed me the faces of the demons in her house. They were animal skulls, some wolves, some like bats with those creepy wings, all black and snarling, with black shiny tar covering and dripping from them. Then He brought to mind a piece of scripture: “…rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft….” (1 Samuel 15:23) He told me that the spirit of witchcraft can be a strong rebellion against Him, as well as what is used for spell casting. This woman was raised Catholic, but became very angry and bitter towards God, and purposely turned away from Him in rebellion.

He brought me to this also:

“In the context of this particular passage (Matthew 12:22-32), Jesus had performed a great miracle of creation, involving both healing and casting out a demon, but the Pharisees rejected this clear witness of the Holy Spirit. Instead they attributed His powers to Satan, thus demonstrating an attitude permanently resistant to the Spirit, and to the deity and saving Gospel of Christ” [Henry M. Morris, The Defender’s Study Bible (Iowa Falls, Iowa: World Bible Publishers, 1995), emphasis added.].

The unforgivable sin.

Their rejection of the miracle that God had brought forth, (they claimed it was only luck,) and then their rejection of me, claiming that I was the one who was bringing in demons into their home… It is similar to those bible passages where the Lord talks about the unforgivable sin.

I pray that I am wrong in sensing this; it is the last thing that I want to hear. I had hoped that perhaps one day they would come back to the Lord, but I am getting a strong feeling of ‘no’. With their other younger son however, there may still be hope, simply because of his autism.

I found out earlier today why the Lord Jesus had me brush off my feet as I got into the car to leave that house. I thought it was such a strange thing to tell me to do. I looked up ‘feet’ in the back of the bible, but only found info on feet washing. Only later, mentioning it to my husband, did he tell me that it sounded like the disciples when they had finished preaching the Word of God, and if the people refused the message, they were to brush off their feet and go on to the next place.

I was shocked hearing this. I always passed over those sections in the bible about preaching, because I figured I am so not a preacher, and that those passages would never pertain to me. How wrong I was! Lately, my personal definition of the word ‘preacher’ has become ‘man who leads God’s people astray for money and power’. So the thought of being one was not a comforting thought.

I do find it interesting, that when we first arrived at the other place, I sensed from the Lord that we were not to go from house to house, but to remain where we were till we left to go back home. This is why it shocked me so much, to get kicked out of their home. I had thought the Lord was telling me that we would end up staying there till we went back home. But instead, the Lord Jesus was having me act out Mark 6:7-11.

He even told me that I could have healed their younger son, if they had believed the message I was sharing with them.

(Sigh.) But they didn’t, so I didn’t. Strangely the thought never even occurred to me, till I was settled in our new shelter, and reading Mark chapter 6.

He did tell me, as they were telling us to get out, that they were kicking Grace and blessings out from their home. I can understand this somewhat, in that even here, in our new shelter, I have already petitioned the Lord Jesus many times to bless this man greatly who is giving us shelter. I guess it just feels weird to think of being the one to physically carry grace and blessings to someone else.

The woman at that other house had asked me (sarcastically,) why I had not simply claimed that the fire would be put out instead. In all honesty, the thought never even occurred to me. (Not till she mentioned it.) I asked the Lord Jesus about this later, wondering why He had not asked me to claim that instead. But I sensed from the Lord that it was simply not my battle to fight. Each person upon this earth has their own battles to face. It is not God’s Will for me to fight them for them.

At first I had felt a bit guilty, for not immediately sharing with this man now giving us shelter, the miracle of what had happened to us. But instead, I sensed that I was not the one to do the sharing. My husband was. After all, this guy knows my husband, and so he would probably be more open to it coming from him. I also sensed that it was better for my husband to wait till later, after the crisis. So I remained silent on the matter.

I found an interesting commentary on Mark 6:7-13 in the Life Application NIV bible. It says that pious Jews would shake the dust from their feet after passing from a gentile’s territory to show their separation from their influences and practices. So when the apostles did this, it was a vivid sign that they wished to remain separate from people who had rejected Jesus and His message.

I definitely do wish to remain separate from those people.

I feel like I have gone through not just one trauma with the fire, but with two traumas in getting kicked out of a home this week.

You know, I never pictured Mark 6:7-13 happening to me. I couldn’t see myself traveling to a place like the apostles did. It just seemed so…old school somehow. Like people just don’t do that kind of stuff anymore unless they are a missionary. (Except of course for people like Tim Shey the hitchhiker.

But again, I was wrong. I know without doubt, that more and more of this kind of horrors will happen to the people. I have had dreams where people and their homes were simply wiped off the map with a wall of water. In this case, it was a wall of fire instead. But the results are the same. People returning to their homes aren’t simply returning to their homes like they would in the old days. Now, they are keeping you off your own property at gunpoint, and they threaten to arrest if you try to get past them. Oh yes, they have their excuses, but none really make much sense. (Once the fire has passed, why won’t they let people back in? Good heavens, they were letting people back in for their requisite five minutes, while the fire was still there and being fought against!) Time after time this would happen, and the people would rebuild, until the government started telling people that sections of the land would never be rebuilt on, for it was ‘obvious’ that it was futile to do so. They would create the problem, control the reactions, and then forbid the land and home owners to ever go back. In some of the dreams, I sensed that the government systematically removed populations of people this way, so they could keep the population down. They were incredibly cold about it, no empathy at all. If it was discovered that you had somehow survived, you were treated as being suspicious, for the only way you could have survived, is if you went and defied the instructions that the government had given you. (They would evacuate you to a location, and then the storm would change and wipe out all those sheltering there. If you survived, it meant you weren’t there and had disobeyed the government.)

My heart is heavy with all this, for I had thought these things coming upon the earth would be a long time away from us yet.

But evidently this stuff is beginning to happen now.

The people don’t realize that they are being managed like cattle. They look at such happenings as an ‘act of God’, and blame Him instead.

A part of me wonders if some spells were made for this fire, and if any scalar weaponry was used, for the place where it started was so incredibly hot, that it kept starting on fire time and time again. I remember back to the extreme cases of dizziness that my kids and I had. The last time we felt it that bad was 9-11. The guys manning our home told us that they had put out several fires just by themselves, before they finally called the fire department back in for help. I realize I do not know much about fires, but it just seemed a bit odd to me. It would not surprise me at all, to get up to heaven and find out that they had set off some kind of scalar fire bomb to help this fire along.

The next day, we find out that the government is beginning to let people back into their homes. Not us, but some others. They are referring to it as “re-population phases.” How Orwellian of them. I have no doubt now, that these California wildfires were planned. And it all started on 9-9-15.

We went out to get some more supplies in one of the larger towns and were shocked at the devastation around us. The fire was now incredibly huge; the whole sky that covers several towns were red, orange, and black from the smoke.

I can’t even begin to describe adequately all the devastation this has brought to this town. Some things have flown off the store shelves, (travel sized anything went within the first 24 hours,) pillows, nonperishable foodstuffs, toothbrushes, and the like are all sold out. Walmart is trying to make their place a shelter for the people, by setting up areas with chairs, drinks, snacks, and TV. They have changed their hours to being open 24/7. The masons are out in force as well, cooking cheap tasteless food for the evacuees. I watch people wander around, many of them either in panic or in shock. One guy came in to the Walmart, with all his hair standing on end, covered with black soot from head to toe just reeking from smoke, and all you could see were the whites of his eyeballs and the gleam of his bright teeth. He looked like he was in shock, too.

The looters, they seem to be from down in the valley. They hear about the evacuations, and then sneak in the parts that are not on fire. You can tell who is local and who is not fairly quickly upon meeting them. With the locals, there is a caring that shows forth from their faces. With those out of town, they do not look you in the eye. They avoid you and treat you as if you are actually in the city and know no one. Around here, it is a tight-knit community, even for unbelievers. Non-locals tend to stick out like a sore thumb.

People around here are going out and trying to help total strangers to keep their homes. Anyone with a back hoe, is quick to put it to use. One guy, a friend of my neighbor, went out to help one guy try to save his home from the fire. They went to his place, and started bull dozing a path around his home, so the fire could not touch it. Half way through doing this, the guy suddenly realized that the guy he was helping had abandoned him. His bulldozer then suddenly stopped working. He stood there, watching and listening to the fire enclose all around him. He spent the night out there by himself, praying and claiming that he would make it through and that someone would come to rescue him. There was no cell phone service where this man was, so he couldn’t even call for help.

But he wasn’t alone. He had Jesus with him.

The next morning, a friend, (another believer,) of this man had an odd feeling about him, and tried locating him. When he could not, he started searching for him. The Lord Jesus led him to where he was. He literally drove through a wall of fire to get to him. Miraculously the fire had gone all around him, but had left him alone.

Truly it is good to belong to Jesus and the family of believers!!

My son had those fire dreams every day for days. When he told me how long they lasted, I knew then that we would be away from our home for that long. And sure enough, we were, for today they’ve just decided to let us back in! THANK YOU JESUS!

I stopped to praise the Lord because of His mercy. I didn’t know where in the bible there are words to simply praise Him, so I looked it up in the life application bible, in the psalms area. Psalm 136. I spoke it out loud, (through I was all alone,) and I sensed the angels all around me, raising their praise to the Lord with me. I want to get up and dance! Shout in joy for what the Lord has done for us!

I marvel at it! Me. I am a nobody in the cog of things, just a simple believer struggling to follow my God. And yet He heard my prayers and answered them! Hallelujah!


Staying in an Unbeliever’s Home

I sensed from the Lord that I was to get on line and ask my friends to pray for us, so I did. It is something I do not like doing, for I hate to bother others with my needs. I figure they have their own problems to deal with, and do not need mine to add to their burdens. But then He reminds me of how I am blessed when I pray for others and then get to see the answered prayers. So I went ahead and sent out my prayer requests.

The parents of my son’s friend set up an air mattress in the middle of their living room for us to sleep on, and one of my other boys slept in the friend’s room.

That first night I slept there, satan kept trying to attack me, by whispering in my ear, that our house was gone. And every time he did so, I refuted it. He kept asking me, “How can you even think that your home is still there? Even the firemen told you it was gone!” But I kept claiming the Word out loud, (of which he hated,) and claimed yet again that it would still be there. Then he kept trying to hit me with those ‘what if’ questions, but I refused to give in to those thoughts either. After a few hours of these kinds of attacks, I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to find my husband gone. He had driven back home to see if we still had one.

I realized then, that the battle for my home was much more serious than I had first thought. It felt as if everything was resting on that one piece of scripture. I had felt Him tell me that I could claim it, and my children had felt the same from the Lord concerning our home. Wishful thinking or not, it still came down to that passage in the bible. Was God’s Word true or not? It says “If you live in Me…” well, I knew that I lived in Him, for I went to Him, asking Him what it is that He wants me to do, and when that is done, I go back and ask Him what I should do next. If that isn’t living in Him, then I don’t know what is. And then it said “And My Words live in you…” well, this got me hung up for a few moments, for I am not one of those people who have a hundred pieces of scripture memorized and can just whip them out as needed. But then I felt the Lord Jesus remind me, that I still use His Word on a daily basis, as I cast out demons and heal the sick, so I would still qualify for His promises. If I lost my home, that was one thing, for we could get another, but if I lost my faith, that was completely something else, for my God is irreplaceable! I felt as if this was actually a battle for my faith in Christ. If my home remained, then God’s Word was true. If it did not…

Well, you can see how this all affected me. Satan was relentless in his attacks. They physically tired me out.

The mother in the home, (the dad had gone off to work,) was also tiring me out, for she seemed to take for granted that we had lost our home. But I refused to talk with her about rebuilding it, and told her that I firmly believed that God would save it.


Apparently, the wind had shifted at the last moment, JUST AS WE HAD CLAIMED, saving our home from total destruction. Firemen were camped out at our place, still fighting the fire. My husband (and only my husband, no others from the family,) was allowed back into the house, to get any emergency medicines or important papers. The air was filled with thick falling ash, making it hard to breathe. He was led in by a police man, and given only a few minutes to retrieve what he could. The police man never checked his identification; he just asked him if he needed help in breaking into the home. My husband looked at him funny, and got out his key to enter. After four minutes, the policeman came and escorted him off our property.

That was the last time we seen our home for many days. After that, they refused to let anyone into the area.

The woman we were staying with, proclaimed that we were “very lucky” that our home survived. It felt like another attack from satan when she said that, so I told her flat out that I did not believe in that kind of “luck” for believers, and that it was the Lord that kept our home safe, just as I had claimed through the scriptures.

That night, we switched rooms with my son, and he slept out on the air mattress, and we slept in the bedroom. Satan kept trying to attack me like he had done the night before, but it was to no avail, for our house still stood. But then as I fell asleep, I had horrendous dreams of a great fire overtaking everything in its path. I dreamed that it not only took out our house, but it was now coming for me. They were incredibly satanic somehow, and when I awoke the next morning, I told my son about it, and asked him if he had experienced such dreams here. He nodded in agreement, and then frowned. He walked back into the room, stood there for a moment, before walking over to the headboard of the bed, (it was actually a shelf where you could store books and such,) and then grabbed something from beneath a pile of papers. It was a large deck of playing cards. “Yugioh cards!” he exclaimed, and then he showed me the top card that was facing upwards.

It was the fire demon card.

And it looked exactly like my nightmare.

We put them in a drawer face down, and then bound them up in the name of Jesus, and then claimed that they could not affect anyone in our family anymore.

The stress was really getting to me, so I begged the Lord to make this whole mess just go away. He then reminded me of the dream about the colonel that He had given me a short while ago. I told Him that I didn’t want to be a colonel, but just an average believer who’d get to heaven one day. At this, I felt the Lord take a step back from me, leaving me exposed. “Are you SURE you want this?” He asks me sternly.

And then I began to cry. Through all the stuff I had been through, I had not shed a tear. But THIS caused me to cry. I could feel the presence of the Lord begin to leave me, and it terrified me no small amount. So I broke down and told Him that “No, I will still do and be whatever You want me to; just please help me get through this!”

Then I felt the Lord’s presence envelope me once again, and I felt and sensed His angels surrounding me. I felt their peace and strength fill me, and I immediately calmed back down and stopped crying.

I realized then, that this was what the colonel dream had foretold. Staying there in that home, and feeling as if I was falling from the sky, (I was still shaky and unable to eat much from nerves,) was just what I had experienced in the dream. The knowledge that we were all protected somehow, and that there were other unbelievers there with us, made me realize that the colonel dream was referring to this moment in time. My questioning the Lord on the title of colonel, is what might have tipped over the shield that we were traveling in, had I let it.

Soon we started getting information on others who have been affected by the fire. One of my son’s friends lost their home. This boy was the one who had called my son and told him about the fire headed our way in the first place. My son had called him back, and told him that his family was in danger, and that they had to start evacuating now. My son then tried to tell him about claiming, and that he should do this for his home. “What’s claiming?” he asked, and then the phone went dead, so he could not tell him more.

I had asked my son, why he did not just claim that his friend’s home would be saved too. He told me that the Lord told him that as believers themselves, they must speak for their own house, and that he was not to do it for them.

When my son had given them the warning, they had first laughed it off. But an hour later, they were busy packing up their stuff. They had over six hours to remove most of their belongings, and move them to his grandmother’s house just a short distance away. They were able to clear out their home fairly well; not much was left in it when the fire finally took it. His grandmother had died a few months before, and they had been reluctant to put the house on the market. Now her house would be theirs to live in from now on.

I found out that they had said quite often, that if there was ever a fire near their property, their home would surely go up in flames. Their grandfather firmly believed that this would happen to his family one day, and his children believed him, and ended up claiming this for themselves.


We then found out more about the homes that were destroyed near our house. The elderly Catholic lady and her husband, (a real sweet couple,) were the first to lose their home in our area. My husband then remembered that they had said at the last neighborhood party, that if there was ever a fire coming towards them, that their home would be the first to go up in flames.


I spoke to a sister in Christ who is also my neighbor, and she told me that their house is still standing.


They had a fireman call them up and tell then that he had personally witnessed their house going up in flames. Can you imagine it? Making the same claim upon God and then being told that? Oi! How she must have suffered! This woman must be incredibly strong spiritually. It wasn’t until a neighbor sandwiched between her home and mine called her and asked her for any diesel that they might have, that they found out the truth. The fire had circled back around one night, and took out the home directly next to them, and this is the home the fireman had assumed was theirs.



That means the witch’s home, the new age’s home, the agnostic’s homes and the atheist’s homes were all DESTROYED.

This same neighbor called us too, and told us that he had somehow sneaked back in and was trying to live in his house. (He lives between me and my Christian friend.) He told us that the firemen had moved on, but that there were still several spot fires on our property that he was still dousing with water. Several looters had infiltrated the area, and he had to chase them off with his gun and his dog. He was telling us that he would have to soon leave, for he could find no more diesel to run his generator. He had sent his son out to go get more, but the cops arrested him as he tried to get back in. We told him how to get into our garage, and that he could use our generator instead, which took propane, and there was plenty of that in the garages that were left. Then he told me that my chickens were safe, and that he was looking for something to feed them with. A phone call later to our Christian neighbors, told him where to get the feed that was needed from their garage.


The lady of the house we were staying in did not like to hear any this. She kept arguing with me, insisting that it was all just luck. She brought up examples of family members dying young from cancer. I asked her if the cancer demon was cast out. She says they prayed, but to no avail. I told her that she must cast it out in Jesus name. Then she said “So you have to do it in a specific way, or He won’t honor it?” (She said this very sarcastically, as if I was crazy for even thinking it.) I told her that the Lord has given us examples in His Word, and that this is what we go by. She came back and started quoting the bible where it talks about no one being above another. (What this had to do with the argument confused me; anyone who lives in Him, and His words live in them, can make such claims. Sadly, I got pulled away before I could give her that answer.)  I wish I had my Geneva bible, and not the corrupt NIV, for the NIV has some very important scriptures missing from it. I had kept the bible because of all the notes I had put in it over the years. (This has taught me to transfer the notes to the new one, and then get rid of it. After all, who wants to be caught with a weak sword that breaks or bends in battle?)

When I returned, her husband was looking at me and smiling as if to say, “now you’re gonna get it!” He acted like he had sat down to watch a good fight on T.V.. She started asking me questions about what I believe, and made statements on her beliefs that were designed to draw me out. Some I sensed from the Lord to say nothing about, while others I got no warning message, so I would try to quote the right scriptures to match the topic, just as she was doing. At first I thought she was actually interested in what I had to share, but then towards the end, I sensed she simply wanted to fight. At this point, I let a distraction break off the conversation, and left the room.

The next night was much better in terms of sleep, though while writing on the computer, I found myself under attack once again. I sensed evil starring at me. I asked the Lord where this was coming from, and it turns out that this kid had more decks of yugioh cards sitting on his desk where I was working. So I bound them up and turned them away from me, and was able to then work unmolested.

The next day, the boy whose room we were staying in, (he is a believer,) returned to see how we were doing. So I told him about the yugioh cards in his room, and that they were cursed items that needed to be removed at some point, for his peace and safety, if he was ever going to stay there again. (He was no longer living there, but at times he had stayed there overnight.)

His mother heard me saying this to her son, and became very angry. She then came to the conclusion that it was me that was bringing in the demons, for she had not run into them before.

An hour later, right before bed time, her and her husband decided to kick us all out of their home. “Take your demons and get out!” she screamed at me. I tried to tell her that she could check up on the yugioh cards on line for herself, and see just how evil they really were, but she refused to listen.

Her son, the one who is friends with one of my boys, told them that they could not just cast us out without no warning, for even hotels gave a night’s notice. So they let us stay that night, but told us we had to leave right away the next morning.

Apparently, satan didn’t want to be bound up, nor did he want to be removed any more from their house, and fought back the only way he could.

In prayer time, the Lord revealed to me, how this family worked. I had always wondered if her husband was still a believer, but not anymore. I know this may sound crazy, but it’s almost as if he keeps her on a leash, and sends her out to go attack, and then when he thinks enough blood is spilled, he reigns her back in. This way, he looks like the good guy, even though he is not, and she gets to vent her beliefs, without making everyone look bad. What kind of a believer would sic their unbelieving wife on another believer, in order to watch them fight? My son described her as being extremely conniving and underhanded, never knowing when she would fly off the handle and start screaming at something or someone. To me, it was all very confusing. I had thought for the most part that we were getting along just fine, not agreeing with each other, but still respecting each other’s beliefs. But my son told me that she can put on a mask that makes her look all nice and friendly, when underneath she is anything but.

All night long, satan attacked me, very similar to my first night there in their house. He tried to convince me, that we would end up on the streets. (We had been told that all the hotels within an hours drive were all booked up already from fire evacuees.) But this time, he could not hit me as much, for I had won the biggest faith battle I had yet to ever encounter, and I knew that I could easily make another claim upon Jesus for shelter. So I did. I kept claiming that He would bring us to a better place to stay. Then He had me read psalm 23 out loud. It has been a long time since I read it.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul…

After I read through the whole psalm, He had me go back and meditate on the first part that I just shared with you.

The peace of His Word settled over my heart and soul, and greatly comforted me. I knew then for sure, that we shall not want, and that even amidst a great fire, he would find us a place to lie down in green pastures.

Another piece of scripture He led me to, is Psalm 5:11-12

But let all who take refuge in You be glad;
Let them ever sing for joy.
Spread Your protection over them,
That those who love Your name may rejoice in You.
For surely, O Lord, You bless the righteous;
You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.

(Remember the dream of the colonel? The Lord told me this scripture was the container, kind of like an upside down shield of old, that we were all in, as we fell down to the earth.)

The next morning, around noon, my husband got a response from one of his friends. (This was the one who had first offered my husband shelter.) He was out of town fishing, but told us where the key was, and that we could go in and make ourselves comfortable.

So we packed up and got ready to leave. As I was getting into the car, I heard the Lord Jesus tell me to wipe off my feet. I thought this really odd, and wondered what could be on the bottom of my shoes. I thought I should go back inside, and wash off my sandals in the sink, for they would get much cleaner that way. But I felt Him say no, and then tell me to simply brush off the top of my feet with my hands. I felt really odd in doing this, but I obeyed Him and brushed off the top of my feet. I then got into the car to leave.

As we drove off, we went a short distance, before my son in the car with me suddenly got very upset, and told me to stop the car. So I pulled over to the side, and he then grabbed my hand and told me that the woman had just tried to send her demons onto us, and that we had to cast them out from our car and claim that they would not follow us.

After doing this, he calmed back down, and we then drove to the next place to stay.