The Spirit of Christmas

I was shopping in a store that was going out of business. I found many good deals of things we had been needing for a long time so my bags were full. As I was leaving the store, I seen an older man off to one side, about thirty feet from me. He looked like a shady stranger that one would try to avoid at all costs to be safe.

When he seen me, his eyes lit up and he said “Wow, I see you bought someone lucky so many presents for Christmas this year! They are going to be filled with the spirit!” It was hard to hear him, for he was mumbling and far away from me. But I understood the gist of it.

As soon as he finished speaking, I seen three shadowy demons come out of him and try to tag themselves onto me.

“Oh no!” I responded under my breath, “these things are not for Christmas! There will be none of that in my house!”

And as soon as I stopped speaking, I seen the demons pause, and then heard them whine and complain and tell me that I was no fun, before they turned and raced back into the man who had spoken to me.

My son came with me into the next store, and as we walked in I almost stumbled. The sudden weight was so oppressive that it was hard for me to walk. I had to bind it up in the name of Jesus to continue. We could hear the Christmas music blaring overhead and it reminded me of a nasty swarm of stinging insects. The place was very busy and overcrowded, and everywhere I looked I could see the colors of red and green.

We picked up the item we had come for and went to stand in line.

People were in a foul mood, angry at having to wait for so long in line to make their holiday purchases. Many were second guessing their purchases while they waited, verbally wondering out loud if so and so would like it or not.

As we left, my son told me that he had been hit with the demon of ‘I have to buy something’ really hard, but he refused to give into it and so he bought nothing.

We realized that was where the pressure was coming from; all the demons of ‘I want’, ‘me me me’, ‘whine’, ‘complain’, ‘less money’, ‘more debt’, ‘I have to buy’, ‘doubt’, ‘mine’, ‘more’, ‘should’, ‘spend’, ‘pressure’, ‘expectations’, and ‘failure’. The store was literally overflowing with demons!

We also realized that all these demons were under the authority of a principality demon called the spirit of Christmas.

We went to a food truck to bring back dinner, and there I met a man while waiting in line who was telling me of some job opportunities. He had been unemployed for a few weeks and had been praying that he would find a good job.

So I said to him, “May the Lord bless you and give you the job of your dreams!”

He starred at me for a second and then said “Oh! You’re a Christian!” Then he paused for a moment before asking me “Do you go to a church around here?”

“No,” I told him. “We have yet to find one that sticks to the bible.”

He then went on and on about the church he goes to and how magnificent his pastor was. He went on and on so much about the man, that I couldn’t help but wonder if the man was closer to his pastor than he was to Jesus.

I grew tired of hearing about the perfect pastor, so I interrupted him and asked “Do they celebrate Christmas there?”

I will never forget the look on his face; It blatantly said “well, duh! Of course!,” but to the man’s credit, he then blinked and said “yes.”

“Oh,” I said. “Never mind then.”

He frowned. “You don’t celebrate Christmas?”

I could see the thought that a believer in Jesus Christ that does not celebrate the holly day was a new encounter for him. So I told him, “We researched into it and found that it had too many pagan ties to it. We also found that there were so many demons attached to it that we stopped celebrating it.”

“Oh,” he said, and said nothing more.

I looked at him and realized that this was a man who had no idea of the war that raged all around him. As he said his goodbye and we exchanged blessings with each other, I inwardly cringed. It was like watching an innocent walk back into the slaughter, wondering when he would get hit.

When we got back home, we immediately noticed that things felt lighter. I asked my husband about it, and he too, said he noticed that there was less pressure in the house. He then sheepishly told me that he had finally gotten around to bringing that nativity scene to the dump, and that this is why the atmosphere was so much lighter in the house.


Please don’t just continue to blindly follow the world in celebrating this pagan holiday, and then wonder why you are having problems. The Lord is very clear in His word that we are to have nothing to do with mixing pagan practices with His worship. When we do, problems arise. There are only two instances when a person’s birthday was celebrated in the bible, and both of those times were by pagan kings. But if you really want to celebrate His birthday, celebrate it during the feast of Tabernacles, when we celebrate that the Lord has come to live with us. If giving up Christmas is just too hard for you to do, consider celebrating Hanukkah with its seven candled menorah. There one has several days where one shares the miracles that the Lord has done in their lives and their families lives with one another.

May the Lord bring you into His perfect peace,
C. Dunamis

(Note: For scriptures on this, see the post on how satanists celebrate Christmas.)

Cast Out The Spirits Of Christmas

How Witches and Satanists Celebrate Christmas

A Short Video Clip About Christmas


Seeing My Mother On Mother’s Day

(I am hesitant to share this post, but the Lord is telling me that there is someone out there who needs to hear it…)

May 13th, 2007 Mother’s Day.

I seen my mother last night in a dream. (She has been dead now for many years.)

I was crying,
Over the stress in my life,
When I said out loud,
(still in my dream,)
“I wish my mother was here!
She’d know just what to say,
To make me feel better!”

And then suddenly,
There she was,
Before me,
With her arms open wide,
Welcoming me back in.

“Oh Mom!” I said to her, still crying,
(But now they were tears of relief,)
I’ve missed you SO MUCH!”

She wrapped her arms around me
Tightly, hugging me back.

She looked younger and full of vitality,
But I knew she was still the same mom that I knew.
I spoke to her about the problems,
And told her of my fears.

“Oh my child,” she said to me in response,
“It’s O.K.; God has us in His hands…”

I sensed that she spoke
Of the time line of eternity,
With ‘us’
Being the line of our family,
Which included my husband
And my children.

I then spent some time there
within her embrace,
soaking up the memories
of what it feels like
to hold her and touch her again.
I breathed in her comfort,
For I knew it might be a long time,
Before I’d get to see her again.

When my spirit was comforted
And at peace,
She left my presence.

I then,
Still in my dream,
Got down on my knees
Right where I was,
And spoke out loud to my God,
Thanking Him
For letting me see and be
With my mother again.

I then woke up.


God can send His comfort to us in ways we least expect…


2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (KJV) “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”

Deuteronomy 31:8 (KJV) “And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.”

The Aftermath of the Fire

For us, life will never be the same. We have learned so much from this experience, things that have changed us in our daily life. We look at others differently, and we look at our God differently. Jesus is much bigger to us now, for we have seen the salvation He can bring!

We have heard of twelve other instances, where a believer used those scriptures (John 15:7-8, John 16:23-24, and Psalm 91) to make a claim upon their house, and their house was also miraculously saved! Hallelujah! It was wonderful to watch their face as they testified to me about it. The Holy Spirit’s light shone forth from their face till it seemed as if they glowed.

I also discovered that having cursed items in your home did not remove the legal right to use those scriptures to save the home! (This is a big thing for those of my readers who are stuck living with other unbelievers or pagans!) I know that my believing neighbor has cursed items in her home, for I have seen them. Her and her children are believers, while her husband is not yet a believer. Sadly, their lives testify to the cursed items being there, for great have been the troubles upon those that lived in that home!

That is one thing I have witnessed through this fire. Those who practice deliverance have a peaceful and prosperous life. Those who do not believe in such things as demons affecting Christians, or those who simply do not practice deliverance for themselves, have a life filled with problems.

I had also wondered what it would be like, to stay on land that was not blessed. When we go to stay at a hotel, we bless it with blessed oil, for we know we have the legal jurisdiction over it due to the paying of rent for its use. But we didn’t have that while staying with others during the evacuation. Both homes that we stayed in, were not blessed homes. The Jehovah’s witness home was actually under a curse besides, for the woman of the house has had it blessed by the elders of that cult. I found that much time was spent in spiritual warfare; at the JW house, it was all I could do just to keep up with the attacks. After that incident with the fire demon nightmare and that playing card, (at the unbeliever’s house,) I went out and purchased some olive oil, and then blessed it for our use. I then blessed the beds we used, for the owners of both places stated that we could sleep there. I looked at it as a matter of a gift that was being given to us, and in that case, I hoped that the spiritual laws extended to such gifts from the owner.  It must have worked, for our sleep was much better after blessing the beds.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses contacted us, several weeks after they had kicked us out of their home, saying that they were sad at how things turned out, and that they wanted to get together with us for dinner. The Lord pointed out to me, that this was not an actual apology, (in essence, they were saying that they were sad that I had acted the way I did,) and besides it was the man who initiated the email, and not the woman herself. I found out from her son, that she still felt she was in the right and had done no wrong, and that the father was in agreeance with her. My husband and I prayed to the Lord and asked Him what we should do, and He told us to have nothing further to do with them. He gave me this piece of scripture as His reasoning: “Reject him that is an heretic, after once or twice admonition, Knowing that he that is such, is perverted, and sinneth, being damned of his own self.” (Titus 3:10-11, GNV) I thought to give them another chance, but the Lord reminded me that she had many chances over those two days, as I answered her questions with the scriptures, and that even my son, who is friends with her son, also got kicked out from her home before, because he was trying to answer her questions about hell. So they have had their two chances already. I need not do any more. The Lord told me that he does not want us to go out and dine with a bunch of demons, and that this is in essence what we would be doing if we got together with them. My heart has ached over this, for I hate to think of them being cut off from Jesus.

It has also been sad to see a man that I had hopes for, turn away from Christ yet again. He was doing landscaping for us at the time of the fire. I made the claim to him that the Lord Jesus would save our home from the fire, just moments before evacuating. When he seen that it was spared, he put it all down to luck. This man has had such bad luck, always getting ill in some way, or his kids being in accidents, that I have told him that he either needs a new profession or a new God. He laughed and told me he just needs to be able to hire a bunch of workers that he can order around and everything would be fine. He has yet to understand. I pray that he will come to see that what he really needs is Jesus.

I find myself wanting to go back to those believers who have lost their homes, and testify to them about the scriptures that they could have used to save their homes, so it won’t happen to them again. Yet one of my boys pointed out to me, that they would then feel like it was their fault that their house burnt down. And I can see his point. No one likes to find out that they could have saved their home if they had just used that piece of scripture and believed. So for now, I leave it be. But there may come a time when I might be called to testify to them about it. I pray that if and when that time comes, I will be courageous enough to do it. Hosea 4:6 says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Apparently their homes can be destroyed too.

The family who’s son called mine to warn us about the fire in the first place, and who ended up losing their home, are cessationists; they believe that speaking in tongues, casting out demons, and healing all died off with the original apostles. We testified to them, that we claimed that piece of scripture and that is why our house was saved. They frowned, but said nothing. I can only pray that the seed takes root in fertile ground. The Lord had told us not to give them any money, and I am glad that we did not, for their insurance is paying them extremely well, though they are having quite a fight with their insurance to get the money. We got a new couch, and we had planned to throw out the old one in the dump, but they asked us for it instead. When I asked the Lord if I could give it to them, He responded with such contempt that it startled me. He said “They can have your garbage!” When I asked Him why He was so angry, He told me that He longs to give them the best, but they insist on relying on man (their church,) and the government, instead of relying on HIM. He feels slighted over their choice to ignore Him. They could have so much more, but they refuse His help and His gifts.

During the middle of the night, several weeks after we had returned, I awoke to the smell of fire. Panic then hit me in the chest so hard, that for a moment I was left breathless. Satan kept trying to convince me that I should get up and go out to see if the fire was close to our house. He told me that it was only luck that saved our house in the last fire, and it would not be saved in this one. At this absurdity the spell was broken, and I laughed out loud and told him that there was no way it was just luck. I then cast him out and claimed in Jesus name that no fire would ever even get close to our house again. I then contentedly fell back asleep.

I have really appreciated the prayers of the believers out there, said on my and my family’s behalf; I could feel them strengthening us as we went through this disaster. May the Lord Jesus Christ return unto you ten times the blessings that you have asked for me!

There is a favorite piece of scripture that I’d like to share with you, that I often like to say during my prayer time. “Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.” (Proverbs 3:25-26 KJV) Amen!

