X Rays – A Doorway To Darkness

Years ago, one of my kids went to the dentist for x rays. These were not the usual bite-wing x rays that the populace had been getting for years; this was a new fangled machine that could take an x ray of your entire mouth at one time, without any pieces of film in your mouth. One stepped into its circle, the machine was turned on, and the machine slowly traveled around you as you stood there.

My kid stepped into that circle, the machine was turned on, and I watched as my kid’s eyes blinked open and starred straight ahead, unseeing. The moment the machine stopped, my child collapsed to the floor.

Thankfully his father was there to catch him.

It took my child several moments to come out of his trance, and he complained of feeling dizzy and sick.

Of course the dentist scoffed at him for his reaction, stating over and over again how ‘safe’ these x rays were, (we were told they even had less radiation than the old bite-wing kinds had,) and that his reaction must be from something else.

We brought our child home, and put him to bed to rest. Two hours later, we heard screaming from his room, and ran to see what was the problem.

When we entered his room, we found him in the middle of the room on his floor, rocking back and forth, and screaming and crying at the top of his lungs. There was such total panic and fear in his screams, that it made it hard for me to think. (As a mother, you immediately want to remove the pain and make it all better. But I knew not how.)

He was unresponsive, and shrank from our touch. He didn’t recognize us or his name, nor did he seem to know where he was.

I ran back into my bedroom, and up to the cross on the wall. I sank to my knees, and begged the Lord Jesus to help him.

Moments later, my son began to speak. He told us that he did not recognize us, nor did he recognize his name. Fear ruled over him, and kept him from us.

Slowly, my son’s memory returned, piece by piece.

The Lord told me to give him some vitamins and herbs, namely calcium and nattokinase, and he gladly took them. A few hours later, he was feeling a little better, (he began to recognize his room and the things in it,) but was still quite dizzy and weak for all of the following day.

And yes, in case you were wondering, this is the same kid that can see so clearly into the unseen world.

For years after that incident, my son refused all x rays, much to the disgust of the dentist. As his parents, we backed up his choice not to have any x rays.

Then came the day when my son needed another x ray, and the usual bite-wing type would not work. So he agreed to have the x ray taken, much to my distress.

I went before the Lord in prayer, asking Him to please protect him, and to not let those demons attack him like they did the last time. (I had realized later on, that it had to have been demons that caused such illness within him.)

God reminded me, that at that first time, we had not known that we could cast out demons and claim protection in His name. And now that we knew the reality of it, we could prevent those things from happening to him again.

So, the night before the scheduled x ray, he took the same supplements, along with some magnesium, and I then blessed him with the blessed olive oil.

When we went to the dentist, we found that they had gotten rid of the other x ray machine, and now had a newer model that they were using.

He got into its circle, and I could see the fear and trepidation in him, for he was shaking. The machine turned on and began to rotate. (The dental assistant told us to stay behind the cones, but we were ready to jump forward to catch him if needed.) Suddenly his eyes opened wide, and he starred forward, unseeing, just like he had the other time. But this time he did not collapse.

I kept reciting scriptures under my breath, until I could not remember any. I found my mind had gone completely blank, and I could not remember any scripture at all. I cried out to Jesus, and then sensed from Him that I should begin speaking in tongues, which I did.

When it was over, he had to be led over to the dentist’s chair, for he was too weak and shaky and dizzy to walk on his own. It was almost as if he had forgotten how to walk.

While he sat there in the chair, I felt the Lord instruct me to bless him again with the blessed olive oil, and to close all portals that had been opened by the x ray.

I did as He instructed, and I sensed that this helped my son no small amount. I then cast out all demons that had already come through that portal, in the name of Jesus.

We went home that night, and once again he went to lay down, for he was still quite weak and dizzy. We made sure that someone stayed with him at all times. He took more of the vitamins and herbs, as directed on the bottle. (I had found out from the Lord after the first time, that calcium can help bind up stray molecules of radiation, so that it gets flushed out of the system. It also helps the heart to keep beating. Same with magnesium; it works with the calcium. Nattokinase keeps the blood flowing, and helps to prevent any strokes from happening.)

The next day he spent in bed, still weak and dizzy from the x ray. The day after that, he refused to go out, for some things were still not familiar to him, and seeing things that he did not recognize but knew he should, caused panic to flare up within him. He explained that that x ray was like a hard re-boot on a computer, or a kind of cerebral wipe of memory. He sensed that his memories were still there, but the linking to them is what was affected.

Three days after that, he arose and was able to go about his business. He still had some momentary dizziness every now and then, and I remarked that I too, had the same momentary dizziness that he was experiencing. After a few more days, all symptoms left us, and we were all back to normal.

I praise you Lord Jesus Christ, for keeping us all safe!

My son then told me, how he had kept his eyes closed, so he could not see anything. But I told him that he had opened his eyes as soon as the test began. This surprised him, for he claimed he could not see anything except a great darkness. Even his hearing was blocked, for all he could hear was some kind of loud buzzing sound. (It was just like the sound that demons make when gathered together.) It wasn’t until the machine was turned off, that he could once again see into this world and hear us. He also told me, that this newer machine was still way better than the last one.

I share this with you, so you know that x rays (at least some kinds,) can form a doorway for satan to come in and attack. It is good to bind them up in Jesus name before hand, and afterwards cast them out in His name!

The Man Was Stalking Me

The night before this incident, I had been listening to a song that pointed out that what others see in us may be the only Jesus they see. I pondered over this, and prayed that I too, would be like Jesus to others.

I went out to run some errands, and almost ran into another car. The Holy Spirit tried to stop me from going out at that moment, (I sensed Him saying “wait!”,) but I went ahead anyways, figuring it was just my imagination, and not really Him speaking. I was making a turn onto the road and then getting into the left hand turn lane. I looked and could see no cars, so I went. When I was almost in the turn lane, I seen another car in the rear view mirror on that side, (had he hit me, he would have hit my left back tire area,) and I swerved back into the other lane for a moment, (thinking he would then drive past me,) but instead he let me go back into the lane.

The first thing I did was thank Jesus that we had not hit each other, and then continued driving.

Then I realized the man was following me.

He went everywhere I did, and I tried to go to different places to lose him, (perhaps it was just a coincidence that he was still right behind me,) but soon realized that this was no coincidence, and he was stalking me.

I prayed to Jesus to help me, as I pictured all sorts of horrible things happening to me; being shot, being beaten, (satan had fun with this one,) and I pictured myself laying in a hospital bed and having to be there for months just to heal. The worst part, was thinking that this would hinder my children’s faith in Christ.

Then Jesus told me to bind up the man’s demons in His name, so I did.

I called up my husband and told him all that had happened, and he directed me to the nearest CHP office.

On my way there, I thought back to the nightmares that I have had, where someone tries to physically attack me, and somehow the Holy Spirit in me is able to diffuse the situation. As this was like a real live nightmare, I prayed that the Holy Spirit would help me in this real world situation too. I was shaking so badly that it was hard to drive safely, but I was too scared of this man to stop. One of my boys thought I should call 911, but I didn’t sense I was supposed to do that. Finally I came to the CHP and drove in, but there was no one there. They were closed.

I felt all alone.

Then the man drove in behind me and blocked my only way out.

I was trapped!

My husband was still on the phone, (I wanted a record of what happened, just in case,) and so I waited for the man to do what he would do.

He got out of his car and just stood there on the drivers side, motioning with his hands and saying something I could not hear.

So I opened up the window half way.

He looked as if his anger had deflated somewhat, (I sensed it was because I had bound up his demons,) but he immediately began yelling at me, saying “What the *?!?* happened back there!”

So I told him, “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!”

He held up his hand then and said, “Stop! You just told me what I wanted to hear.”

I stared at him in amazement.

He said, “All I wanted from you is an apology.”

I looked at him in shock. “You mean you chased me all over this city just for an apology?!”


He then proceeded to tell me about his awful day, and how this near accident had happened to him several times already today, and that mine was the final straw.

I said, “oh you poor man, and then when we almost hit…oh, I am so sorry; I never wanted to cause you any harm at all!”

“Oh,” he said, holding out his arms wide, “you can hurt me all you want, but I won’t let you touch those in this car!”

I said without thinking, “I’d never want to harm you or anyone; it’s against my religion!”

He didn’t say anything to that, he just stood there looking at me.

“I still believe,” I said to him, “that Jesus must have sent down an angel to help keep our cars apart from each other, we were so close!”

He reiterated how he had almost hit me, and how he was responsible for others in the car with him, and that even they were upset over the near hit. He made it sound like I was a very bad person because I had purposely done this to him and his loved ones. (His wife and child were sitting quietly in the car while he verbally ripped me apart.) I thought to myself that my driving record was still pretty good (thank You Jesus!,); the last time I had a fender bender, (it was a scratch in a parking lot,) was over thirty years ago. This guy looked like he hadn’t even spent thirty years upon the earth yet. Apart of me wanted to argue with him, but I was still too afraid of him so I remained silent.

He finished with his attack and then said that he was o.k. now, and was going to go, as he was all right, and (as an afterthought?) I was all right, and that neither one of us was hurt. “See?” he said to me, “that’s all I wanted to do.”

I said to him “May God bless you and give you a better day!”

And then he drove off.

I sat there for over an hour, waiting for the shaking to subside, (I did not feel safe to drive while I shook so much,) and then I went to finish my errands. As I did, I prayed for him and all those in his car, asking the Lord to bring them to Him and make believers out of them. I seen something in him that I once was; a seeker of justice at any cost, even at the cost of others I loved. I felt sorry for him, being buffeted to and from by the winds of chance, and being toyed with by satan. I remembered what it was like, being so affected by such evil, and having to face it without Jesus. There is an emptiness that is always there, along with that self-righteous demon to feed, and a feeling of always somehow being behind everyone else in the rat race and trying in vain to catch up.

When I got home, some of my kids were incensed on my behalf, saying “He had to have been speeding, Mom! There is no way anyone could sneak up on you that fast on that stretch of road without going over the speed limit! Either that, or he came out of a side road just as you did, and tried to get into the same lane as you. You were not the only one at fault, Mom; if you guys had hit, he would have been at fault too!”

“Yeah,” said my other son who had almost come with me on the trip, “I wish I would have been there with you; I would have told him a thing or two! I wouldn’t have let him speak to you like that! I would have called 911 and gotten the cops there to cite him a ticket for road rage!”

A part of me is glad my son did not come with me that day, (guess he stayed home for a reason!,) for things would have come to a very different conclusion had he been with me.

I sensed that the Lord Jesus wanted me to pray for him and his family, and that they needed my prayers and my blessing very much.

I found myself wondering if the Lord had set the whole thing up to happen, just so I would pray for them.

“No Ma Pettite,” He answered me. “I did not.”

Then the piece of scripture that talks about all things working out for the good of those who love Christ Jesus came to mind.

“But I will take the moves of the adversary and use it to my advantage,” He tells me.

I thought of those in the car with him, remembering how it feels to be held captive in a car with an angry driver. Those poor people! Then I wondered what kind of man would drag his loved ones around on such a chase, just to fight for an apology from a stranger. He had no way of knowing that I would do him no harm. I could have been a different person and had a gun and even threatened him and those in his car with it. He obviously was not thinking too clearly either, to take such risks just to placate his self-righteousness demon.

“He was a man who was filled with demons,” came God’s reply.


It was several days later, when I realized why what this man did to me is considered an actual crime all its own.

I found that even just the thought of getting into a car again to go somewhere, left me shaking, dizzy, and wanting to toss my cookies. I could not even walk at the thought of driving, because I shook so badly. I started to cry, feeling like a helpless victim, chained down to the house, and unable to go out any more. It was horrible!

I pictured myself having to go to therapists for years and years, and even then not gaining much freedom from the sessions.

But then the words “helpless, victim, therapist” and especially the word “chained” stood out in my mind, till I realized that somehow, someway, I had picked up some demons, and it was the demons that were doing this to me.

I immediately calmed down, and asked someone in my family to cast out the demons from me, and anoint me with the blessed olive oil. The moment they did, I felt at peace once again.

Just to be sure they had really left me, I brought along someone else in the car with me, the next time I went out to run errands, so they could help me fight off the demons if need be. But they are gone for good. Praise Jesus! Truly there is great freedom in Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Looking back upon the incident, there were times when I felt like I had just let the man and his demons attack me, and that I should have stood up for myself more. This left me feeling frustrated all over again. Finally I went back to the Lord Jesus about it. He then reassured me that I had done exactly as He had wanted me to do. That removed the last of the frustration, and left me with a sense of relief.

Would you pray with me for that man and his family? Pray that they would all come to Jesus and be set free from all the demons that plague them. Pray that they too, would experience the freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ!


Romans 8:28 (GNV) “Also we know that all things work together for the best unto them that love God, even to them that are called of his purpose.”

Proverbs 15 (KJV) “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”

Psalm 23 (KJV) “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”

Proverbs 3:25-26 (GNV) “Thou shalt not fear for any sudden fear, neither for destruction of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be for thine assurance, and shall preserve thy foot from taking.”

Psalm 27:1-3 (KJV) “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host pitched against me, mine heart should not be afraid: though war be raised against me, I will trust in this.”

Isaiah 54:17 (KJV) “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.”

Staying in an Unbeliever’s Home

I sensed from the Lord that I was to get on line and ask my friends to pray for us, so I did. It is something I do not like doing, for I hate to bother others with my needs. I figure they have their own problems to deal with, and do not need mine to add to their burdens. But then He reminds me of how I am blessed when I pray for others and then get to see the answered prayers. So I went ahead and sent out my prayer requests.

The parents of my son’s friend set up an air mattress in the middle of their living room for us to sleep on, and one of my other boys slept in the friend’s room.

That first night I slept there, satan kept trying to attack me, by whispering in my ear, that our house was gone. And every time he did so, I refuted it. He kept asking me, “How can you even think that your home is still there? Even the firemen told you it was gone!” But I kept claiming the Word out loud, (of which he hated,) and claimed yet again that it would still be there. Then he kept trying to hit me with those ‘what if’ questions, but I refused to give in to those thoughts either. After a few hours of these kinds of attacks, I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to find my husband gone. He had driven back home to see if we still had one.

I realized then, that the battle for my home was much more serious than I had first thought. It felt as if everything was resting on that one piece of scripture. I had felt Him tell me that I could claim it, and my children had felt the same from the Lord concerning our home. Wishful thinking or not, it still came down to that passage in the bible. Was God’s Word true or not? It says “If you live in Me…” well, I knew that I lived in Him, for I went to Him, asking Him what it is that He wants me to do, and when that is done, I go back and ask Him what I should do next. If that isn’t living in Him, then I don’t know what is. And then it said “And My Words live in you…” well, this got me hung up for a few moments, for I am not one of those people who have a hundred pieces of scripture memorized and can just whip them out as needed. But then I felt the Lord Jesus remind me, that I still use His Word on a daily basis, as I cast out demons and heal the sick, so I would still qualify for His promises. If I lost my home, that was one thing, for we could get another, but if I lost my faith, that was completely something else, for my God is irreplaceable! I felt as if this was actually a battle for my faith in Christ. If my home remained, then God’s Word was true. If it did not…

Well, you can see how this all affected me. Satan was relentless in his attacks. They physically tired me out.

The mother in the home, (the dad had gone off to work,) was also tiring me out, for she seemed to take for granted that we had lost our home. But I refused to talk with her about rebuilding it, and told her that I firmly believed that God would save it.


Apparently, the wind had shifted at the last moment, JUST AS WE HAD CLAIMED, saving our home from total destruction. Firemen were camped out at our place, still fighting the fire. My husband (and only my husband, no others from the family,) was allowed back into the house, to get any emergency medicines or important papers. The air was filled with thick falling ash, making it hard to breathe. He was led in by a police man, and given only a few minutes to retrieve what he could. The police man never checked his identification; he just asked him if he needed help in breaking into the home. My husband looked at him funny, and got out his key to enter. After four minutes, the policeman came and escorted him off our property.

That was the last time we seen our home for many days. After that, they refused to let anyone into the area.

The woman we were staying with, proclaimed that we were “very lucky” that our home survived. It felt like another attack from satan when she said that, so I told her flat out that I did not believe in that kind of “luck” for believers, and that it was the Lord that kept our home safe, just as I had claimed through the scriptures.

That night, we switched rooms with my son, and he slept out on the air mattress, and we slept in the bedroom. Satan kept trying to attack me like he had done the night before, but it was to no avail, for our house still stood. But then as I fell asleep, I had horrendous dreams of a great fire overtaking everything in its path. I dreamed that it not only took out our house, but it was now coming for me. They were incredibly satanic somehow, and when I awoke the next morning, I told my son about it, and asked him if he had experienced such dreams here. He nodded in agreement, and then frowned. He walked back into the room, stood there for a moment, before walking over to the headboard of the bed, (it was actually a shelf where you could store books and such,) and then grabbed something from beneath a pile of papers. It was a large deck of playing cards. “Yugioh cards!” he exclaimed, and then he showed me the top card that was facing upwards.

It was the fire demon card.

And it looked exactly like my nightmare.

We put them in a drawer face down, and then bound them up in the name of Jesus, and then claimed that they could not affect anyone in our family anymore.

The stress was really getting to me, so I begged the Lord to make this whole mess just go away. He then reminded me of the dream about the colonel that He had given me a short while ago. I told Him that I didn’t want to be a colonel, but just an average believer who’d get to heaven one day. At this, I felt the Lord take a step back from me, leaving me exposed. “Are you SURE you want this?” He asks me sternly.

And then I began to cry. Through all the stuff I had been through, I had not shed a tear. But THIS caused me to cry. I could feel the presence of the Lord begin to leave me, and it terrified me no small amount. So I broke down and told Him that “No, I will still do and be whatever You want me to; just please help me get through this!”

Then I felt the Lord’s presence envelope me once again, and I felt and sensed His angels surrounding me. I felt their peace and strength fill me, and I immediately calmed back down and stopped crying.

I realized then, that this was what the colonel dream had foretold. Staying there in that home, and feeling as if I was falling from the sky, (I was still shaky and unable to eat much from nerves,) was just what I had experienced in the dream. The knowledge that we were all protected somehow, and that there were other unbelievers there with us, made me realize that the colonel dream was referring to this moment in time. My questioning the Lord on the title of colonel, is what might have tipped over the shield that we were traveling in, had I let it.

Soon we started getting information on others who have been affected by the fire. One of my son’s friends lost their home. This boy was the one who had called my son and told him about the fire headed our way in the first place. My son had called him back, and told him that his family was in danger, and that they had to start evacuating now. My son then tried to tell him about claiming, and that he should do this for his home. “What’s claiming?” he asked, and then the phone went dead, so he could not tell him more.

I had asked my son, why he did not just claim that his friend’s home would be saved too. He told me that the Lord told him that as believers themselves, they must speak for their own house, and that he was not to do it for them.

When my son had given them the warning, they had first laughed it off. But an hour later, they were busy packing up their stuff. They had over six hours to remove most of their belongings, and move them to his grandmother’s house just a short distance away. They were able to clear out their home fairly well; not much was left in it when the fire finally took it. His grandmother had died a few months before, and they had been reluctant to put the house on the market. Now her house would be theirs to live in from now on.

I found out that they had said quite often, that if there was ever a fire near their property, their home would surely go up in flames. Their grandfather firmly believed that this would happen to his family one day, and his children believed him, and ended up claiming this for themselves.


We then found out more about the homes that were destroyed near our house. The elderly Catholic lady and her husband, (a real sweet couple,) were the first to lose their home in our area. My husband then remembered that they had said at the last neighborhood party, that if there was ever a fire coming towards them, that their home would be the first to go up in flames.


I spoke to a sister in Christ who is also my neighbor, and she told me that their house is still standing.


They had a fireman call them up and tell then that he had personally witnessed their house going up in flames. Can you imagine it? Making the same claim upon God and then being told that? Oi! How she must have suffered! This woman must be incredibly strong spiritually. It wasn’t until a neighbor sandwiched between her home and mine called her and asked her for any diesel that they might have, that they found out the truth. The fire had circled back around one night, and took out the home directly next to them, and this is the home the fireman had assumed was theirs.



That means the witch’s home, the new age’s home, the agnostic’s homes and the atheist’s homes were all DESTROYED.

This same neighbor called us too, and told us that he had somehow sneaked back in and was trying to live in his house. (He lives between me and my Christian friend.) He told us that the firemen had moved on, but that there were still several spot fires on our property that he was still dousing with water. Several looters had infiltrated the area, and he had to chase them off with his gun and his dog. He was telling us that he would have to soon leave, for he could find no more diesel to run his generator. He had sent his son out to go get more, but the cops arrested him as he tried to get back in. We told him how to get into our garage, and that he could use our generator instead, which took propane, and there was plenty of that in the garages that were left. Then he told me that my chickens were safe, and that he was looking for something to feed them with. A phone call later to our Christian neighbors, told him where to get the feed that was needed from their garage.


The lady of the house we were staying in did not like to hear any this. She kept arguing with me, insisting that it was all just luck. She brought up examples of family members dying young from cancer. I asked her if the cancer demon was cast out. She says they prayed, but to no avail. I told her that she must cast it out in Jesus name. Then she said “So you have to do it in a specific way, or He won’t honor it?” (She said this very sarcastically, as if I was crazy for even thinking it.) I told her that the Lord has given us examples in His Word, and that this is what we go by. She came back and started quoting the bible where it talks about no one being above another. (What this had to do with the argument confused me; anyone who lives in Him, and His words live in them, can make such claims. Sadly, I got pulled away before I could give her that answer.)  I wish I had my Geneva bible, and not the corrupt NIV, for the NIV has some very important scriptures missing from it. I had kept the bible because of all the notes I had put in it over the years. (This has taught me to transfer the notes to the new one, and then get rid of it. After all, who wants to be caught with a weak sword that breaks or bends in battle?)

When I returned, her husband was looking at me and smiling as if to say, “now you’re gonna get it!” He acted like he had sat down to watch a good fight on T.V.. She started asking me questions about what I believe, and made statements on her beliefs that were designed to draw me out. Some I sensed from the Lord to say nothing about, while others I got no warning message, so I would try to quote the right scriptures to match the topic, just as she was doing. At first I thought she was actually interested in what I had to share, but then towards the end, I sensed she simply wanted to fight. At this point, I let a distraction break off the conversation, and left the room.

The next night was much better in terms of sleep, though while writing on the computer, I found myself under attack once again. I sensed evil starring at me. I asked the Lord where this was coming from, and it turns out that this kid had more decks of yugioh cards sitting on his desk where I was working. So I bound them up and turned them away from me, and was able to then work unmolested.

The next day, the boy whose room we were staying in, (he is a believer,) returned to see how we were doing. So I told him about the yugioh cards in his room, and that they were cursed items that needed to be removed at some point, for his peace and safety, if he was ever going to stay there again. (He was no longer living there, but at times he had stayed there overnight.)

His mother heard me saying this to her son, and became very angry. She then came to the conclusion that it was me that was bringing in the demons, for she had not run into them before.

An hour later, right before bed time, her and her husband decided to kick us all out of their home. “Take your demons and get out!” she screamed at me. I tried to tell her that she could check up on the yugioh cards on line for herself, and see just how evil they really were, but she refused to listen.

Her son, the one who is friends with one of my boys, told them that they could not just cast us out without no warning, for even hotels gave a night’s notice. So they let us stay that night, but told us we had to leave right away the next morning.

Apparently, satan didn’t want to be bound up, nor did he want to be removed any more from their house, and fought back the only way he could.

In prayer time, the Lord revealed to me, how this family worked. I had always wondered if her husband was still a believer, but not anymore. I know this may sound crazy, but it’s almost as if he keeps her on a leash, and sends her out to go attack, and then when he thinks enough blood is spilled, he reigns her back in. This way, he looks like the good guy, even though he is not, and she gets to vent her beliefs, without making everyone look bad. What kind of a believer would sic their unbelieving wife on another believer, in order to watch them fight? My son described her as being extremely conniving and underhanded, never knowing when she would fly off the handle and start screaming at something or someone. To me, it was all very confusing. I had thought for the most part that we were getting along just fine, not agreeing with each other, but still respecting each other’s beliefs. But my son told me that she can put on a mask that makes her look all nice and friendly, when underneath she is anything but.

All night long, satan attacked me, very similar to my first night there in their house. He tried to convince me, that we would end up on the streets. (We had been told that all the hotels within an hours drive were all booked up already from fire evacuees.) But this time, he could not hit me as much, for I had won the biggest faith battle I had yet to ever encounter, and I knew that I could easily make another claim upon Jesus for shelter. So I did. I kept claiming that He would bring us to a better place to stay. Then He had me read psalm 23 out loud. It has been a long time since I read it.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul…

After I read through the whole psalm, He had me go back and meditate on the first part that I just shared with you.

The peace of His Word settled over my heart and soul, and greatly comforted me. I knew then for sure, that we shall not want, and that even amidst a great fire, he would find us a place to lie down in green pastures.

Another piece of scripture He led me to, is Psalm 5:11-12

But let all who take refuge in You be glad;
Let them ever sing for joy.
Spread Your protection over them,
That those who love Your name may rejoice in You.
For surely, O Lord, You bless the righteous;
You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.

(Remember the dream of the colonel? The Lord told me this scripture was the container, kind of like an upside down shield of old, that we were all in, as we fell down to the earth.)

The next morning, around noon, my husband got a response from one of his friends. (This was the one who had first offered my husband shelter.) He was out of town fishing, but told us where the key was, and that we could go in and make ourselves comfortable.

So we packed up and got ready to leave. As I was getting into the car, I heard the Lord Jesus tell me to wipe off my feet. I thought this really odd, and wondered what could be on the bottom of my shoes. I thought I should go back inside, and wash off my sandals in the sink, for they would get much cleaner that way. But I felt Him say no, and then tell me to simply brush off the top of my feet with my hands. I felt really odd in doing this, but I obeyed Him and brushed off the top of my feet. I then got into the car to leave.

As we drove off, we went a short distance, before my son in the car with me suddenly got very upset, and told me to stop the car. So I pulled over to the side, and he then grabbed my hand and told me that the woman had just tried to send her demons onto us, and that we had to cast them out from our car and claim that they would not follow us.

After doing this, he calmed back down, and we then drove to the next place to stay.